Caught in a perfect storm
Being a teenager is a struggle – the weight of projects and tests that seem to come one after another.
Greater and greater responsibilities from your family – chores and errands piling up.
You want to spend time with your friends, but you sometimes struggle to feel accepted.
Pack on the additional worries of current events, and you have a recipe for a perfect storm of stress and frustration.
But you don’t have to navigate it all alone.
Needing help and support through everything isn’t wrong.
In fact, acknowledging your need for help and seeking help is very mature and responsible.
The world is a little chaotic right now, so it makes sense to look for guidance on how to navigate life during these times.
How can therapy help?
Therapy can help you build skills to manage your emotions.
There are emotions and thoughts that you have that might be difficult to share with your parents or friends.
Together, we can discuss what you constantly worry about.
We can work together to ease your mind through action or to shift your thoughts to make life feel more manageable.
I can also help with making your responsibilities feel less burdensome.
School stressing you out?
Let’s talk about your approach to your schedule, homework, and extracurriculars, and see what we can adjust.
When you’re on top of your schoolwork and grades, you’ll feel more confident in tackling whatever comes your way.
Smooth sailing
Being a teenager is hard! But it doesn’t have to be miserable.
Let me help you get it together so you can feel ready and free – to spend less time in the storm and more time enjoying the fun parts of this time of your life.