Individual Therapy for College Students

The best time of your life, right?

Congratulations!! You’ve made it to college!

Away from home – maybe for the first time – with the opportunity to reinvent yourself completely!

Endless opportunities – so many people to meet, lifelong friendships to foster, topics to pursue, experiences to explore.

Some people find this exciting – it’s like the world is their oyster.

The truth? It’s been anything but.

For you, it’s another story.

Deadlines and grades consume your dreams.

So you lie awake – unable to shake the feeling that you haven’t studied enough for that test tomorrow and, simultaneously, dwelling on that paper you bombed.

Why didn’t you spend more time on it? You’d better get up and pull an all-nighter to be ready for that test.

Daylight comes, but the nightmare continues.

These worries follow you from class to class, down the halls, when you’re with friends, or in your room alone.

When you aren’t thinking about all the work you have to do, you’re worrying about your future.

In a world full of chaos and concerning current events, where will you fit in? What awaits you in “the real world?”

There must be something more.

You watch your friends having a great time. College seems like a breeze to them.

You suspect things could be better than they are right now.

You want to handle daily stress and the uncertainty of your future with greater ease.

Let me help you with that goal.

Together, we can explore all the factors contributing to your stress.

We can evaluate how you’re currently dealing with stress and help you manage it more effectively.

Good. Better. Best.

Therapy can’t take away your workload or make your future completely certain.

It can, however, help you develop confidence – to help you feel fantastic – and the mindset to better adapt and embrace whatever comes your way.

Reach out to me. Let me help you make your college experience the best it can be.